I finally got my flight information last week, and am excited about our layover spot. We were placed in great seats on the plane, and overall, I am a happy camper. I wasn't expecting luxury (this is, afterall, a missions trip) and I am so pleased with the carrier of our flights.
Right now, I am still in planning mode. Thinking about my luggage, especially my carry on. I need something small, that can hold my laptop safely; all of my asthma meds, as well as a 'mini' change of clothes. Undergarments, socks, a tank top; things I would want to change if my luggage got lost. Also, a small toiletry kit and all of my essential paperwork. It has to be able to fit my small travel purse. I'd like something of a briefcase, with a shoulder strap. And INEXPENSIVE! That is key right now! If you have any suggestions, please share, Lord knows I need them!

I have felt a sense of calm come over me regarding this trip. No longer am I anxious about raising funds or taking such a long flight. My focus has been shifted to other things...learning the language, making sure I am dressing culturally correct, making sure I know enough about the country to be able to do His work respectfully. I continue to pray that the anxiety does not overcome me, and He certainly is calming my fears and answering my prayers.
Thank you, new readers for stopping by. If you have any tips or advice for me, please, comment. It will be my first trip to Europe, and I am welcoming any information I can soak up. I look forward to seeing what you have to offer.
Thanks again for reading...soon, I'll be posting from my destination, Prague, Czech Republic!