Tuesday, May 29, 2012

24 days. STILL planning!

Good morning!  Only 24 days to go!

I finally got my flight information last week, and am excited about our layover spot.  We were placed in great seats on the plane, and overall, I am a happy camper.  I wasn't expecting luxury (this is, afterall, a missions trip) and I am so pleased with the carrier of our flights.

Right now, I am still in planning mode.  Thinking about my luggage, especially my carry on.  I need something small, that can hold my laptop safely; all of my asthma meds, as well as a 'mini' change of clothes. Undergarments, socks, a tank top; things I would want to change if my luggage got lost.  Also, a small toiletry kit and all of my essential paperwork.  It has to be able to fit my small travel purse.  I'd like something of a briefcase, with a shoulder strap.  And INEXPENSIVE!  That is key right now!  If you have any suggestions, please share, Lord knows I need them!

Also, right now, my daughter's fifth grade class is holding a mini-drive for the Mudrik family.  They are collecting books (readers for first thru eighth grade, so that the children can practice reading in English) to send over, and are pretty excited to be doing so.  I am not expecting us to collect a lot of books, but the fact that they WANT to give is pretty cool.  We've already gotten some really cool and colorful socks to take with (the little girls in our area LOVE these super bright colored socks, and figure that the Mudrik girls may like them as well!)  I love seeing that my daughter's heart is to give, so much that she has gotten her own peers excited to do the same.  So many times, her heart inspires (and convicts) my own, to be more child-like. *Thank you God for showing yourself through the child you have given to me as my charge to mold for you!*

I have felt a sense of calm come over me regarding this trip.  No longer am I anxious about raising funds or taking such a long flight. My focus has been shifted to other things...learning the language, making sure I am dressing culturally correct, making sure I know enough about the country to be able to do His work respectfully.  I continue to pray that the anxiety does not overcome me, and He certainly is calming my fears and answering my prayers.

Thank you, new readers for stopping by.  If you have any tips or advice for me, please, comment.  It will be my first trip to Europe, and I am welcoming any information I can soak up.  I look forward to seeing what you have to offer.

Thanks again for reading...soon, I'll be posting from my destination, Prague, Czech Republic!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

One month from today...

In case you weren't aware, I am literally one month from departure.  YAY!  ARGH!

Excitement.  Anxiety.  Nervousness.  Intrigue.  <<Some of the things I'm feeling.

I've been researching packing lists, suitcases, walking/work shoes, digging out my 'travel sized' Bible, nit picking over the tiny things that only I seem to nit pick over...all in preparation.

Last Friday night was the Blacklight Zumba party, and it was a BLAST!  My Zumba teacher, Daie, is also going on her own MO5 trip (to Arizona) while we are in Prague.  She put together the blacklight zumba party as a fundraiser, and it was an amazing time!  I take her regular class on Monday nights, and was excited to participate in the party, with 2 other teachers (and styles, Bokwa and Belly Dancing).  As it turns out, the party was so successful that not only have people asked when the next one will be, but she is able to donate to my fund as well.  PRAISE GOD!  If you've never done Zumba, give it a shot!  Its high energy aerobic dancing, but for once, I am finding exercise to be FUN!

We are having another Team Red meeting tonight, with our entire team.  All of this time, we have been meeting without one of our members, Taylor, who has been away, finishing his junior year in college.  Exciting times, since I know he will bring a new energy and perpective to our team.  We're taking a full team photo as well, so I will do what I can about getting all 8 of us on this blog shortly.

Please, continue to pray for our small, yet powerful team.  I have been in contact with Elaine Mudrik, letting her know what my daughter's class is up to (the fifth grade class wants to send items over the the children, so I'm hoping to take plenty of books in English over for them to practice their language skills, thanks to my daughter's class!), and honestly cannot wait to meet and hang out with this wonderful family.  Marty is our expert carpenter/craftsman, while Taylor is an amazing musician.  We all have such different talents, but are all strong, and I know that God will use them in awesome ways.  Pray that our team dynamic strengthens, and that we are all able to submit to the will of God, and His plans for us while we are away.


...it will be here before I know it!

In Him,

Friday, May 11, 2012

Fundraising for a friend!

Check this out!  My friend (and Zumba(R) instructor, Daie) is going to Arizona on the MO5 mission, and is helping raise funds for other trips as well.  I'll be there, sweating all the way!  If you're local, please, join in on the fun!

Dobry Den, ahoj! (An update)

Not much going on lately.  Still meeting with the team, and learning the language with a new friend, Gaby.  She is originally Slovakian, but moved her to the US 14 years ago, and has been helping us learn the Czech language.

Our yard sale turned out well...we had a steady stream of customers the entire time, and were able to raise pretty good funds.  What I didn't sell went to Tabatha's House, a thrift store run by my church...which made me feel good, since not only did I have to take it all back home, but someone will find joy in the items I no longer needed.

My excitement hasn't died down (even though I have been posting less lately...) I've been working hard to meet these final deadlines, and continuing to make preparations for departure.  I'm making arrangements for my home and car right now, checking with my bank to find out how much overseas charges are for ATM withdrawals, as well as purchases; making sure I have plenty of asthma meds during the trip...you know, housekeeping items.

So that's what I've been up to.  As of today, we have 41 days until departure...and I must admit, I am still a bit anxious.  I still have about 1/3 of my funds to raise, and am prayerful still that I will reach my goal.  My God planted a seed, and I need to go and water it for him;  I will be serving with my team in the Czech Republic!

So please, continue to pray for myself, and my team, as well as the entire missions group (pictured above).  We will be going to 5 nations, all to serve 1 Mighty God.  Your prayers are much appreciated!



Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Quite a few things have been going on, which is why I haven't had a chance to post lately. Just a quick run-down:

*My birthday! I turned 26...again (lol) this past Friday, April 27, and have been asking my friends to forgo getting me a gift, or taking me to dinner, and use those funds as a donation towards my trip. Some of them were able to do so, and I Thank you all, for getting me closer to my mission work!

*Team Red Skype'd the Mudrik family, which was so fun! We got a chance to pray with them, and watch/listen to the kids. We got to discuss alot of the things that they are planning for us to do; got some songs in the Czech language to learn (being the worship leader of our group, THIS is a challenging task!), and things and places we need to see. I am really looking forward to this time of service...even though I m not the greatest at handling hammer and nails...I will still go and give my all!

*Planning our yard sale to continue in raising funds. This Saturday, May 5, Team Red is hosting a yard sale, with all funds going to our fundraising. If you are local, and interested, you are welcome to join us at 8025 Bradshaw Road, Upper Falls, MD 21156 from 8am to 1pm. There will be lots of clothing (and if you really know me, SHOES!), books, DVDs, household items...and that's just what my home has to offer...there are still 7 other members. Please join us, if you're able, and help our cause!

Alright, back to business. I'll be posting another interview here shortly, from a seasoned missions traveler, as well as from another team member. Also, I'm hoping to post more of what we will be doing while in Prague, if allowed.

Either way, please continue to pray for our efforts, for our team, and for all of the teams going on this MO5 adventure. I know, for myself, I will ask that you pray that I keep from being anxious. While I am excited about going, I am also very nervous. I know what the end results will be in all cases, but I still have such a hard time with the actual process leading up to the outcome, and can use your support there.

Thanks so much, and thanks for being faithful!