Friday, July 19, 2013

CatchUp, Popo, Kiddios and BEing Still. :)

Hello all!

Yeah...I know.  I've been slacking, truly.  And I have, I will admit.  But life has been happening, LIFE!  So many good things have happened, and I am caught up in all of it.

I need to catch you up on this year's trip though.  We are going to Cholula, Puebla, Mexico, about 40 miles east of Mexico City.  Our team of 15 has been meeting (most of us) and bonding well...we do have 2 members who are remote, but we do our best to keep connected with them as well.

Right now, we are on a countdown to our trip.  As of today, I have 22 days before I board that plane with my team, and I am excited.  Clearly, not nearly as excited as last year...but then again, that was my first missions trip ever, and that kind of build up was to be expected.  Anyway, 22 days until I go to a beautiful country with great friends (lucky for me, my best friend is on the trip as well!), to make even more great friends, I am sure.

I  must admit a bit of anxiety though...nothing to make me decide not to go, but anxiety nonetheless.  There is an active volcano there, Popocatepetl, which is slowly rumbling its way back to life.  Since May of this year, it has been churning and spewing ash and smoke into the air.  This is my concern, since I am asthmatic.  I was recently told by Jeff Izzo, a missionary currently serving in Nicaragua with his family, that "active volcanoes aren't the ones you should worry about.  At least they give you warning.  It's the inactive ones that you need to worry about", which did help.  (Be sure to check out the Izzo Family blog HERE )  Woohoo for me that my bestie is an EMT, and will bring me breathing masks, so I can still go out into Mexico to be The Hands and Feet of Him!
Popocatepetl, as a plume of smoke reaches to the sky. May 2013.

I am almost at my fundraising goal (Praise Him!), and am just now thinking of what I'll be packing, besides the filtering masks, lol.

This has been a different kind of summer for my household as well.  The kiddios are doing different things, and I am making plans because of it.  My daughter went to grandma's in Michigan again this year, and is having an absolute blast!  The boys decided though, that since being teenagers is fun, but spending summers at grandma's isn't so cool anymore, they'd stay home.  My oldest is going into his senior year at school, and got a job.  My youngest will be a sophomore in the fall, and is enjoying a summer of freetime.  While I'm away on mission, my aunt plans to come to my house to stay with them, so the oldest can still work h is regular shifts at work.  I appreciate her for being so willing to do that, so I don't have to worry while I'm out of the country!

My job has gone well, and I've even been given a promotion, which is always encouraging.  That also means that now, I am a salaried employee, with PAID time off, so going on this mission will not hurt my family, financially.  Praise God!

All of this is to say that while I have been busy, The Lord has been busier.  There are times when I don't even know what I am going to do, I am so busy...but then I take a moment and realize that I need to be still.  Be still, and know that He is God...and I am not.  I've gotten much better at that, as of late.

Exodus 14:14 tells me that "The Lord will fight for you, and you only need to be still" I wait.

I hope to blog more (now that I've remembered my password...being busy helps me to be forgetful as well, lol), especially since the trip is coming up shortly.  If you know me in person, and you know that I haven't blogged in awhile, call me out.  Speak up!  Let me know!  And I will smile...and hop on it as soon as time allows.

Thanks for being faithful, readers.  I appreciate you, wherever you are!


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Personalize the Mission

So I was in church this past Sunday morning...actually, I was in the booth.  Let me back up...

I serve in the Worship Arts Ministry at church.  I am a vocalist on the vocal team, I occasionally sing with the choir, and I also serve in the production booth, working computer media (running the slides with song lyrics, scriptures and videos that the congregation sees on screen).  We are in the middle of a series called EPIC, and one of our pastors, Luke, was speaking.  What he said really affected me...I mean, I was scribbling notes, and trying to pay close attention at the same time, so I could make sure the right slides were up onscreen.  (Forgive me, Mountain Christian Church, if some of the slides were wrong or late because I was distracted - my heart was convicted!...however, I WAS NOT the cause of the power outage, lol!)

It got me to thinking about my mission, and personalizing my mission, not just my mission trip.  Yes, that is included, but my mission goes so far beyond that.  God is writing a story for my life, an Epic.  Of course, my church loves quirky anagrams that helps us to remember things, and this one is spot on.

E - Encounter Christ
P - Personalize the mission
I - Invest time and money
C - Change

I am at a crossroads now, where I am praying on how I plan to personalize my mission,  (including this trip).  It must have meaning in my life for it to remain relevant to me, for me to remain passionate about it.  But more importantly  it has to be of and about God, and His plan.

1Peter2:9-10: You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's Special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.  Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

These things struck me!

You are a chosen people.  Who?  Me?  An impatient single mom?  A failure, a

You are a royal priesthood.  I have no church, and I certainly don't have a kingdom!

You are a Holy Nation.  I lead no one, and I mess up so can I be Holy?

You are God's Special Possession.  You're kidding me, right? 
(By the way, to possess is to make something, then proclaim ownership.  It's like God created me, then drew a circle around me with His arms, and says "this is mine" kids do with toys or candy they don't want to share)

God has designed me to Go and Do His great works, in my life, and in Mexico this summer.  I must go and fulfill His mission, as He has personalized me for this very purpose.  He has challenged me, and I have taken Him seriously by applying to go on this trip, and now preparing.

I have a mission.  I am a Royal Priest.  My duties are not in a castle, but in leading others to have a personal encounter with Christ through a beat that moves not only their feet, but also their hearts.  I plant seeds, and I pray.  I Go, and I Do, and all to His Glory.

Friday, March 1, 2013

So much to do, so little time!

Sorry for the hiatus after the hiatus...I'm really trying to get my (blogging) life together here.

Since I my last trip, life has changed a bit.  My job promoted me, and I have lots more responsibility added to my plate; a group that I co-lead at church; the worship arts ministry, and my young people at home (yep, I'm a momma!) and therefore, not as much time to blog.  So, I guess now, I really need to make my blogs worth something, huh?

Anyway, since I last blogged, I've met most of my team.  We got together with all of the rest of the teams that are going on mission this year, and had a brief time of meet and greet.  I am excited about my new team, as I have seen many of their faces out and about around church, and our leaders are both folks that I have wanted to hang with for awhile, so this is a great opportunity.  One of my friends that I have really been getting close to is also going on this trip, and I feel so blessed that she is able to do it, for a number of reasons, selfish and otherwise.

I've also been called to the carpet by one of the new leaders, as something happened on the Prague trip that needed to be addressed.  I'm glad that it was...I certainly don't want to make that same mistake twice!  From that, I was able to look at myself, and see what character flaws needed to be addressed...I was also able to apologize to one of the two people that I effected in a choice that I made (I haven't seen the other just yet, but plan to talk when I do see them).  Thank God that He is a God of second chances!

So anyway, we are full swing into fund raising, and I don't know how I'm doing just yet, but I know that I have sent out letter, tweeted about it, and (after finishing this blog posting) am about to Facebook message folks about it.  So much to do!

The thing I really wanted to blog about though, is one of my teammates.  I only met her for the first time at our group meeting, and honestly, didn't get a chance to speak to her one on one.  However, her story astonishes me.

She is a mature woman of 80+ years old, and is going on this trip with us.  80+ years!  I look forward to her wisdom, and everything that she can offer on this trip.  I think most, I look forward to her challenging us as we go about our service.  To know that she is able to Go and Do and Be the Hands and Feet of Him...all I know is that there should not be one complaint coming from my mouth!  If she can, I know that I am more than able!  After all, Isaiah 46 reads "Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, and I am he who will sustain you.  I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you".  It seems that my teammate TRULY believe in this, and I look forward to sitting at her feet, and learning from her what all she has to offer.

I hope to not take so long between posts again, to keep you updated on the progress of the teambuilding and fundraising aspects, as well as other things.  One of my friends was recently offered a job working with CMFI, or Christian Missionary Fellowship International, and I want you to get to know her and how she got to be an intern, and now a fellow worker in the mission field.  Also, I plan to interview teammates of mine, both experienced, and those going on mission for the first time.  I'm excited, and hope that you are as well!

Thanks for reading and supporting!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The excitement begins...HERE!


Here we go, about to begin another whirlwind of trainings, meetings and prayer, and I am so excited about every little bit of it.  I've gotten my brochures, set up my donations page (see the link at the left, if you're interested and able to help out financially!  Just be sure to specify 'Mexico - Rayona' when you do).  My support letter is ready to go out, and I am already on a prayer plan for this trip.  I've spoken to the trip leader, and let him know that I got word, and am officially on the trip, and he says "great.  Let's chat before the group meets, because I have something in mind for you", which is really cool.  God obviously had a need, and knew that I could be used for that, and I am grateful, for whatever it may be.

Below, you will find my letter asking for support.  While finances are needed, I would appreciate your prayers even more.  This is another go round of short term missions for me, and God is truly at work!

Hello there!

I am writing you today to let you know what an exciting year 2013 will be for me.  Again, I have been invited to participate on a short term missions trip with Mountain Christian Church; this time, I’ll be off to Puebla, Mexico.  I am quite excited about this, as I truly love having the opportunity to be ‘the hands and feet of God’ by serving others not only here locally, but also globally!

From August 10 to 18, my team and I have been charged to go and help Christian Missionary Fellowship International with their outreach program on a college campus in Cholula, Puebla in Mexico.   With my personal experience of running Campus Life and Diversity Programs at my university, I hope to be able to best use my skills to reach out to the students there, and help to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.   We will participate in first week/orientation outreach, and meeting the local needs of the ministry with cleaning, organizing, and LOTS of prayer walking!

It is such an honor and privilege to go on this trip and I am humbled by the opportunity to do so.  Would you consider partnering with the team and myself on this journey?  If so, you can serve our team by praying for us, making a financial contribution, or both.  You can donate financially by going to and clicking on ‘Online Giving’ at the top of the page.  Once there, click “Don’t Attend Mountain’, Short Term Missions, and specify Mexico/Rayona Young.  Your support, in any capacity, will be most appreciated.

I am very thankful to God for blessing me as richly as He has and am excited to use the talents He has given me to serve some very needy people in Jesus’ name.  Our Team will host a post-trip celebration soon after our return.  This will be an opportunity to share stories and photos illustrating God’s faithfulness on our trip.  I will let you know the date, time and location soon

Thank you so much for your consideration in helping me fulfill not only a personal dream, but more importantly God’s call in Puebla, Mexico.  Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.



Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Back at it again!

Long time no see, dear reader!

Please accept my apology for not being around more, or providing more updates from the Prague trip. I certainly hope to remedy that soon.

I am writing now because I just received news that I have been accepted onto the team going to Mexico late this summer! PRAISE GOD! After last year's trip (which was AMAZING, by the way) I knew in my heart that serving God in this way is something I want to do again and again.

After thought and a bit of logic, I figured that a one week trip would be better on my kids, as well as my job, since my position there changed. I am offered vacation time and pay, however, I cannot take 2 weeks at once again. That's quite alright though, because God had a plan for me, and where'd I'd be going...He knew all along that it would work out to His favor...and mine!

So be on the lookout for new blogs over here, with pictures, countdowns, interviews and everything else that you have come to know of me. Also, I'll be touching upon my 'ninja packing' methods, since I am really only trying to take my carry on for this trip (of course, team items won't count as a carry on, but I'm talking about my personal bag), as well as other short term missions opportunities.

 In the end, I just want to say thank you for still being around. I appreciate that you have taken an interest in whatever brought you here, and the fact that you're still around. HERE WE GO (again)!!
