...a journal of my preparations for my Short Term Missions trips
He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves." Luke 10:2-3
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
MO5 "This Is Life" Video from Mountain Christian Church on Vimeo.
Here is the video that my church put together, as a sort of collage of all of the trips that were going on at once. Look closely, and you'll see a familiar face a time or two (and some bright red hair as well!). And thanks for being so patient with me. I am not only still recovering from jet lag, but also trying to process my 're-entry' back into my regular life after mission.
Building Relationships,
Mountain Christian Church,
Thank GOD,
Friday, June 29, 2012
More photos...
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Since I've been here...
About to land in Prague |
Jeff (looking back) and Liz, on the jet bridge into PRG airport |
The children's choir at church, singing to us in Czech |
The AstronomicalClock |
Statue on Charles Bridge |
The Crucifixion Statue on Charles Bridge |
View of Prague Castle from Charles Bridge |
City of Praha/Prague from Prague Castle |
Prague/Praha from Prague Castle |
Prague castle guard. Stood still...but his eyes followed me. Creepy. |
Liz, trying to be still like the guard. She couldn't stop smiling though. Her son, Taylor, is there to the left in the green shirt. |
The "Baby Tower", just outside of the Mudrik family's apartment building. |
Myself and the Mudrik's daughter, A. She helped me buy my new shoes, since the salespeople didn't speak English. |
J and H wanted to show off their shoes too... |
Sorry I haven't written much; we've been busy, working!
More to come...stay tuned!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
We've landed!
Dobrey Den!
It is now eeeearly, Tuesday morning. My roommate's alarm clock went off at 6am, versus my own,which goes off at 7) and of course, I can't sleep, so I thought I'd update you and let you know what's going on here.
We arrived on Saturday, after an overnight flight. Sleeping on the plane was such a pain, and I didn't do very well at all. However, the meal was pretty good, as were the movie/tv choices, so I made it work. We had a SHORT layover in London...enough for the airport staff to pick us up at the gate, put us on a bus to our next terminal, then run to the next gate. We made our connecting flight, and I proceeded to fall right asleep.
Once off of the plane,we went through customs (got that passport stamp!), went to the ATM and money exchange and waited for our bags. Besides everyone's carry on, we all checked one bag, and checked a Rubbermaid tub full of items we were bringing over for the Mudrik family. Praise God for friends in high places: a man that I went to church with at the DC Regional Christian Church just happened to be on duty as a TSA agent at the departure airport, and he made sure that all of our baggage and bins got through security checkpoints together. With all of the tools we were bringing, we thought they'd end up searching every bin, but they only had to search one. That could have been so much worse! But hey, if it keeps the country safe, I say CHECK THEM ALL!!
Anyway, after collecting all of the bins, we discovered that 2 bags had not been placed on the belt, so those team members went to make a claim for them. The rest of us took pictures and video, and exchanged money (if they already hadn't). Once we finished, we walked to the public side of the airport, outside of security, and found Marek Mudrik, who greeted us warmly, then got us in a taxi for transit to our hostel.
We made it to the hostel by 4pm, and needed to stay active so none of us would fall asleep. Here, we are 6 hours ahead of our home time, but everyone was very tired from such a long trip over. So Marek took us to the Rivenhill Farm, where we would be working while here. Such an amazing place, but in need of a TON of work. (A photo blog is in the works!).
After the tour, we came back to the hostel for dinner, then finally retired for bed. We were beat, and had a long day planned for Sunday.
On Sunday, we had breakfast, then met the Mudrik's (including 2 of the children!),and walked to work, about a mile. We sat in church and Marek and Elaine translated for us, since it was fully in Czech. Strange,I couldn't understand what was being said, but I still felt the presence of God in that room. A children's choir sang, and one of the songs the worship leaders sang was not only in English, but also one of my VERY favorite songs....and I got extremely emotional as she sang it. We fellowshipped a bit after church, then went to lunch with the Mudrik family. Then,we decided we wanted to go into the city and tour around for a bit. We took the Metro (train)into the city center, and saw amazing sites...and then walked back to the cars from there, uphill. My legs are still sore from the walk, all 9miles of it (though, at this time, the distance is still being disputed). We returned to the hostel, had dinner,and went to bed.
I know this is a very brief description of the trip so far, and I apologize. I have very limited internet time, and want to tell everything, but can't. I will post a picture blog soon, and hopefully, you'll be happy to see some of the sights I was in awe of.
Next time: out first day of work, and pictures!
Also, check THIS LINK to read what the other MO5 teams are doing on their mission trips!
It is now eeeearly, Tuesday morning. My roommate's alarm clock went off at 6am, versus my own,which goes off at 7) and of course, I can't sleep, so I thought I'd update you and let you know what's going on here.
We arrived on Saturday, after an overnight flight. Sleeping on the plane was such a pain, and I didn't do very well at all. However, the meal was pretty good, as were the movie/tv choices, so I made it work. We had a SHORT layover in London...enough for the airport staff to pick us up at the gate, put us on a bus to our next terminal, then run to the next gate. We made our connecting flight, and I proceeded to fall right asleep.
Once off of the plane,we went through customs (got that passport stamp!), went to the ATM and money exchange and waited for our bags. Besides everyone's carry on, we all checked one bag, and checked a Rubbermaid tub full of items we were bringing over for the Mudrik family. Praise God for friends in high places: a man that I went to church with at the DC Regional Christian Church just happened to be on duty as a TSA agent at the departure airport, and he made sure that all of our baggage and bins got through security checkpoints together. With all of the tools we were bringing, we thought they'd end up searching every bin, but they only had to search one. That could have been so much worse! But hey, if it keeps the country safe, I say CHECK THEM ALL!!
Anyway, after collecting all of the bins, we discovered that 2 bags had not been placed on the belt, so those team members went to make a claim for them. The rest of us took pictures and video, and exchanged money (if they already hadn't). Once we finished, we walked to the public side of the airport, outside of security, and found Marek Mudrik, who greeted us warmly, then got us in a taxi for transit to our hostel.
We made it to the hostel by 4pm, and needed to stay active so none of us would fall asleep. Here, we are 6 hours ahead of our home time, but everyone was very tired from such a long trip over. So Marek took us to the Rivenhill Farm, where we would be working while here. Such an amazing place, but in need of a TON of work. (A photo blog is in the works!).
After the tour, we came back to the hostel for dinner, then finally retired for bed. We were beat, and had a long day planned for Sunday.
On Sunday, we had breakfast, then met the Mudrik's (including 2 of the children!),and walked to work, about a mile. We sat in church and Marek and Elaine translated for us, since it was fully in Czech. Strange,I couldn't understand what was being said, but I still felt the presence of God in that room. A children's choir sang, and one of the songs the worship leaders sang was not only in English, but also one of my VERY favorite songs....and I got extremely emotional as she sang it. We fellowshipped a bit after church, then went to lunch with the Mudrik family. Then,we decided we wanted to go into the city and tour around for a bit. We took the Metro (train)into the city center, and saw amazing sites...and then walked back to the cars from there, uphill. My legs are still sore from the walk, all 9miles of it (though, at this time, the distance is still being disputed). We returned to the hostel, had dinner,and went to bed.
I know this is a very brief description of the trip so far, and I apologize. I have very limited internet time, and want to tell everything, but can't. I will post a picture blog soon, and hopefully, you'll be happy to see some of the sights I was in awe of.
Next time: out first day of work, and pictures!
Also, check THIS LINK to read what the other MO5 teams are doing on their mission trips!
Friday, June 22, 2012
CHVALA BOH...Today is the Day!
It's here.
Throughout the night, I've been half sleeping. I'm excited! I would wake up and begin thinking about all kinds of things, pray to myself, and hope to go back to sleep for another (short) period of time...
The Mountain On 5 movement has begun. On Wednesday, we had a small team return from a short trip to China. Thursday, our Southeast Asia/Yellow team took off. Just a few hours ago, the Kenya/Green team met at church,and as I type this at 7:47am EST, they are on the plane, ready to take flight. Both groups had a team of well wishers at church, ready to send them off with a cheer. Tomorrow, at 4:30am, both the Mexico/Blue team, and Arizona/Green teams will be meeting at church for their send off.
Team Red/Europe meets at church today at 3pm, which honestly, is a really great time to be meeting. The middle of the day; I can still run last minute errands, have a great breakfast, and spend time with folks I love before I go.
I am still excited. I am hoping to feel this way all day...instead of the nervous/anxious mess that I could be.
Team Red is prepared. We have packed. We have prayed. We are unified and we are ready to work.
~thank you all for the support, prayer and love you have shown Team Red so far. It is greatly appreciated.
(Praise God),
Throughout the night, I've been half sleeping. I'm excited! I would wake up and begin thinking about all kinds of things, pray to myself, and hope to go back to sleep for another (short) period of time...
The Mountain On 5 movement has begun. On Wednesday, we had a small team return from a short trip to China. Thursday, our Southeast Asia/Yellow team took off. Just a few hours ago, the Kenya/Green team met at church,and as I type this at 7:47am EST, they are on the plane, ready to take flight. Both groups had a team of well wishers at church, ready to send them off with a cheer. Tomorrow, at 4:30am, both the Mexico/Blue team, and Arizona/Green teams will be meeting at church for their send off.
Team Red/Europe meets at church today at 3pm, which honestly, is a really great time to be meeting. The middle of the day; I can still run last minute errands, have a great breakfast, and spend time with folks I love before I go.
I am still excited. I am hoping to feel this way all day...instead of the nervous/anxious mess that I could be.
Team Red is prepared. We have packed. We have prayed. We are unified and we are ready to work.
~thank you all for the support, prayer and love you have shown Team Red so far. It is greatly appreciated.
(Praise God),
Czech Language,
Mountain Christian Church,
Preparing the Heart,
Team Red,
Thank GOD,
Monday, June 18, 2012
The enemy is at work!
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Only 4 more days until departure! |
Anyway, I got to mom's and was able to spend a bit of time with her and my brother, even stopping by my brother's house to see my neices. Then we went back to mom's house so I could get some sleep before heading back out on the road the next day.
The past few times I've visited mom's house, I've started to have minor allergy issues. Itchy, runny eyes, runny nose, even some itchy skin. I am allergic to only a few things that I know of: Ibuprofen, Cinnamaldahyde, and my mom's dog, Benji. (That last thing is the sad one, since Benji is the only dog in my life that I have ever really liked...and up until she moved into her new apartment, I could be around him with no problems). So when it was time for me to go to sleep, we made sure the dog was out of the room, and closed the door. After trying for awhile to get to sleep, I found I couldn't, because my eyes were hurting. I went to the bathroom to wash my face, and realized that my eyes were swollen. At that point, I was just tired, so I told my mom not to worry, I'd just go sleep in the car. My daughter brought a pillow from home, so I used that as well as a blanket from my trunk, and tried to settle in for the night.
![]() |
(This is not me, but this is what I looked like...well, maybe not the lips, but the eyes for sure!) |
I don't remember alot of what happened in the hospital, but boy am I grateful for my mom! I guess she'd been talking to me the entire car ride there, because she told them everything that was wrong with me. It also helps that she has close relationships with the doctors and nurses there, as their coworker, and I know I received the best care possible. I was given a cocktail of an IV, and drifted off into a medical stupor. I don't know how long I was asleep, but a nurse came in, and told me that alot of the swelling had gone down in my face, so I could go. I was given a large dose of a steroid (of which I am still taking, and weaning off of), and discharged right then. What seemed to take all night really only took about 3 hours, from when I first noticed until discharge. I remember my mom asking me on the way back to the house if I wanted to check into a hotel room...I said no, I'd just go sleep in the car, since a hotel would be a waste of money (I planned to be on the road by 9am). I did just that...I think I was so done in by the medicine, I could have slept on concrete!
One week from departure, and Satan tries to stop the work that God has planned out. It was written before I ever thought about it, and this trip is God's will. He has a plan, and has chosen me to be one of the people to help Him in this case. "Here am I; Lord, send me." (Isaiah 6:9).
On another note, on the way to work this morning, I prayed. For guidance, for patience, and not to worry. My local Christian radio station then began playing the song that helped me name this blog, and I KNEW that everything would be alright. God's hand is all over me, this situation and this mission trip. 4 days, and we will be there. Let's go!
Here are the lyrics that inspired the title of this blog: from the song "I Refuse" by Josh Wilson:
I can hear the least of these, crying out so desperately
And I know we are the hands and feet of You, oh God
So if You say move, it's time for me to follow through
And do what I was made to do
And show them who You are
I don't want to live like I don't care
I don't want to say another empty prayer
Oh, I refuse to sit around and wait for someone else
To do what God has called me to do myself
I could choose not to move
But I refuse
So now, as I finish my packing, and prepare to depart with my team, I ask that you stay tuned. We will be blogging from Prague, and updates will come from my team members as well as myself. I look forward to this experience, and thank God for the opportunity to Go and Do, and Refuse not to move!
Thanks for being faithful readers, so far!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Details, details!
Last night, Team Red got together for what we THOUGHT would be our final meeting before takeoff.
BTW, before I even get started and well into the blog...11! 11 days until we take flight to go and do His will. YESSsssss!
Back to business...we got together and began going over the details of our trip. Our schedule has been planned out for meeting and getting to the airport; parking situations spoken of; departure wear was discussed (I'd already planned my flight wear, but we all need to be unified and in uniform...Jesus is Lord, and I work for the Lord, and someone else was chosen to lead, so I will follow!). Detailed paperwork is still needed from some team members; insurance cards and documents were passed out and discussed (had to make sure it covered prescription meds, in case I lose my inhaler while I'm over there!). LOTS and LOTS of details!
We went over the 'proposed' schedule of our days while we are there, with the great warning that it may/possibly/might/more than likely change, and that we need to be flexible and ready to roll with the punches for whatever may happen. At this point, we are still unsure of exactly what we will actually be doing while we are there, work-wise. Being that we are the smallest team, I'd say that being open to any changes that are thrown our way has really got to be our biggest strength right now, and I am honored to be part of a team that just accepts it like it is. The Mudrik's have had a big change of plans with what they thought they'd need, so we have to go with the flow. The only thing that we absolutely know for sure is that we are going over there to assist them with ANYTHING that they need help with. Also, we are planning to go and run Camp Rivenhill while we're there, but even that is subject to change at this point.
So we've talked about packing and rides from airports and hostel amenities, and so many other things. Taylor and I will be leading worship while we're there, which eases my heart a bit, because that is something I am comfortable doing anywhere, plus it doesn't take much set up at all. Taylor is a great guitar player, and having been on a worship team together before, I think we will have no problems just giving our hearts wherever we are.
Also, it was discussed that we need to 'leave home at home' and kind of disconnect while we are away, so that we can focus on our task while we are there. That means no cell phones. 3 months ago, this would have been a huge issue for me, considering the fact that I am a single mom...but I already know that my kiddios will be in good hands. I take them to my mother for their summer vacation this weekend, and they are excited for that. I will be taking my laptop, and the entire team will be posting updates from here on this blog while we are away, which I am excited about. Having new writers with different perspectives should be interesting, and fun! So please, be on the lookout for postings from my teammates! (I'm working on getting individual pictures of each of them, so I can post a face along with a name!)
Also, since I'll have my laptop (along with the free wi-fi at the hostel) I will be able to skype my family...and hopefully, with the time difference, and my kids "on-the0go summer schedules" I'll be able to catch them a couple of times while I am away...maybe. If not, I will know that i tried...
So...its almost that time. One more (packing) meeting, and we're off! A huge thanks to all of you who have donated financially; to you who have purchased items for me from my amazon wish list and to those of you who have been praying for us from afar, the time is almost here! Please stay tuned for updates from the field, and a great debriefing as well!
Dobrou noc!
11 days!
BTW, before I even get started and well into the blog...11! 11 days until we take flight to go and do His will. YESSsssss!
Back to business...we got together and began going over the details of our trip. Our schedule has been planned out for meeting and getting to the airport; parking situations spoken of; departure wear was discussed (I'd already planned my flight wear, but we all need to be unified and in uniform...Jesus is Lord, and I work for the Lord, and someone else was chosen to lead, so I will follow!). Detailed paperwork is still needed from some team members; insurance cards and documents were passed out and discussed (had to make sure it covered prescription meds, in case I lose my inhaler while I'm over there!). LOTS and LOTS of details!
We went over the 'proposed' schedule of our days while we are there, with the great warning that it may/possibly/might/more than likely change, and that we need to be flexible and ready to roll with the punches for whatever may happen. At this point, we are still unsure of exactly what we will actually be doing while we are there, work-wise. Being that we are the smallest team, I'd say that being open to any changes that are thrown our way has really got to be our biggest strength right now, and I am honored to be part of a team that just accepts it like it is. The Mudrik's have had a big change of plans with what they thought they'd need, so we have to go with the flow. The only thing that we absolutely know for sure is that we are going over there to assist them with ANYTHING that they need help with. Also, we are planning to go and run Camp Rivenhill while we're there, but even that is subject to change at this point.
So we've talked about packing and rides from airports and hostel amenities, and so many other things. Taylor and I will be leading worship while we're there, which eases my heart a bit, because that is something I am comfortable doing anywhere, plus it doesn't take much set up at all. Taylor is a great guitar player, and having been on a worship team together before, I think we will have no problems just giving our hearts wherever we are.
Also, it was discussed that we need to 'leave home at home' and kind of disconnect while we are away, so that we can focus on our task while we are there. That means no cell phones. 3 months ago, this would have been a huge issue for me, considering the fact that I am a single mom...but I already know that my kiddios will be in good hands. I take them to my mother for their summer vacation this weekend, and they are excited for that. I will be taking my laptop, and the entire team will be posting updates from here on this blog while we are away, which I am excited about. Having new writers with different perspectives should be interesting, and fun! So please, be on the lookout for postings from my teammates! (I'm working on getting individual pictures of each of them, so I can post a face along with a name!)
Also, since I'll have my laptop (along with the free wi-fi at the hostel) I will be able to skype my family...and hopefully, with the time difference, and my kids "on-the0go summer schedules" I'll be able to catch them a couple of times while I am away...maybe. If not, I will know that i tried...
So...its almost that time. One more (packing) meeting, and we're off! A huge thanks to all of you who have donated financially; to you who have purchased items for me from my amazon wish list and to those of you who have been praying for us from afar, the time is almost here! Please stay tuned for updates from the field, and a great debriefing as well!
Dobrou noc!
11 days!
Team Red,
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