About to land in Prague |
Jeff (looking back) and Liz, on the jet bridge into PRG airport |
The children's choir at church, singing to us in Czech |
Statue on Charles Bridge |
The Crucifixion Statue on Charles Bridge |
View of Prague Castle from Charles Bridge |
City of Praha/Prague from Prague Castle |
Prague/Praha from Prague Castle |
Prague castle guard. Stood still...but his eyes followed me. Creepy. |
Liz, trying to be still like the guard. She couldn't stop smiling though. Her son, Taylor, is there to the left in the green shirt. |
The "Baby Tower", just outside of the Mudrik family's apartment building. |
Myself and the Mudrik's daughter, A. She helped me buy my new shoes, since the salespeople didn't speak English. |
J and H wanted to show off their shoes too... |
H, the Mudrik's youngest child, and according to her, my new "best friend"...(I french braided her hair, and want to paint her fingernails...you would have thought I'd created cartoons or something, lol). So cute, and a sweet girl! |
Sorry I haven't written much; we've been busy, working!
More to come...stay tuned!
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