Thursday, March 15, 2012

Let's get to work!

Last night, we had our first Team Red meeting.  A couple of folks were missing, but it was a great time anyway, especially since it was Pi Day (3/14, get it?  I thought it was funny), and Sherrill brought in an AMAZING Caramel Apple pie in to share.  Now, you may not know this, but anything Caramel, and Apple has got my I made sure to express my fondness of that amazing masterpiece to Sherrill!

*Sidenote:  Because I was in a hurry to get out of the meeting last night, I forgot to ask our new members for permission to use their names in this blog.  Forgive me, please.  I will try to do so at our next meeting.

Anyway, we did a couple of things last night, all of them exciting in some way or another:

~We found out who our Prayer/Travel partners would be, mine being Becci!  I know that I was fired up about this, since she and I have been chatting back and forth, giving advice and tips, and building a friendship.  I look forward to sharing some of her insight, since she has LOTS more travel experience that I do (she's backpacked Europe cool!)...not to mention, some of the other Team Red members already know what the 'trouble' will be, lol! (It's all in good fun though!)

~We then made a prayer bead reminder, so that when we see each bead, it represents a team member, and we can remember to pray for that person specifically.

~We wrote down our biggest worry/fears for the trip, shared it with our partner, and prayed for them.  Mine was not being able to keep in contact with my kiddios, and not sleeping well.  God seems to know exactly what he's doing, because Becci has a phone that can be used worldwide, and is equipped with Skype as well, so I will be able to keep up with the kids while I'm gone.  As for the sleeplessness, once again, it seems I have the perfect partner, because she said she'd be willing to walk the fields in the middle of the night with me, if needbe!  (BTW: Becci's was pretty funny, she said I'd laugh at hers, which I did...but it is something that I know we can handle!)

~We then had a brief devotional as to why we were called to be missionaries.  Basically, it all stems from the Abrahamic Covenant, found in Genesis 12:1-3.  We are blessed, to be a blessing; we are to go to countries around the world and bless those who are in the dark in His name....  There are SO MANY things I want to say about this right now, but can't...but not to worry, I am sure that will be another blog for another day!

~Next up was a update from the Mudrik family (EXCITING!).  Our trip leaders, Liz and Sherrill had a Skype session with Marek and Elaine, and got to find out some great information.  My mind was put a bit more at ease in finding out that we would not be camping out under the stars, but rather in a hostel.  I am no stranger to hostels, and look forward to hanging out in the one that will be chosen for us.  They Mudrik's are still building on the retreat center, and will need lots of help with that, which we will be doing...but also, we will be engaging with local college-aged people who are interested in speaking basically, we will get to talk to them (ABOUT ANYTHING!) all day while doing our work.  YAY!  Also, we will be worshiping, singing, praying and whatever else they want us to do while there. 

~We also worked on scheduling our meetings, setting up a Skype session for the whole team and the Mudrik family, learning the language, and fundraising....

...which leads me to fundraising here.  Dear reader, I humbly ask that if you are at all moved to support our team efforts to spread the light of Jesus in the Czech Republic, I invite you to click the link at the top left of the page, and give as you may.  At this point, every person on our team is behind in fundraising, but not due to a lack of effort.  We are all very prayerful that we will reach our goal amounts, but as of yet, we do not even have enough to begin reserving plane tickets.  Any amount will do, no matter how small, and we are grateful for every cent.  If you are unable to give financially, then please support us in prayer.  I thank you in advance.

So now that we know what some of the plans are, everyone is eager and ready to get to work!  I am in the process of planning interviews with my teammates, and will be posting them here.  If you are interested in asking any questions about the teammates, please leave them in the comment boxes below, and I will be sure to ask.

In the meantime, keep praying, and stay excited!

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