Hey there...
I know I've got things I need to catch my readers up on, pertaining to Team Red (our new team members)...but I need to meet with them again, and get their permissions first. We meet again as a team on Wednesday, so hopefully, I can bring you up to speed after that. I am hoping to learn some things about them myself!
So, lately, I've been in 'super planning' mode. I mean, at the last meeting, we got a bunch of information, including packing lists, etc., so I've been all over the internet, searching for options, pricing things out, looking for deals and things of that nature. I've been looking at cash options (for spending money once I get there), checking with my bank for their international policies; checking international calling plans with my cell phone provider; studying all kinds of things, trying to be prepared, and almost over prepared for this trip.
And of course, I took a minute, and thought to myself "I must be crazy". Who else does all of this planning 4 months out still? Who else is combing details like this? My teammates are gonna think I have OCD or something, lol. Who else does that?
Well, today at church, I talked to my teammate, Becci. As it turns out, she is in super planning mode as well!
Yay, for real! I'm not the only crazy one!
Seriously, though...for a little while, I had to admit that I was feeling insecure. I had no idea how I would fit into the chemistry of my team. I mean, with the exception of Taylor, all of my teammates are married; most have traveled overseas before (well...I've been to Cancun, and Toronto...but those don't count since I didn't need a passport). Most have serve on missions teams before, and know what to expect. Not me, on all accounts.
So I prayed. I prayed for Him to ease my mind, that I would fit exactly where He needed me to. I have NO IDEA, honestly, of how I will be used when I get over there, but He made a way for me to be on the team, and I specifically prayed "Lord, send me to where I can serve you best"...so He knows how I can serve best, and I know I will be used. I also prayed for great relationships within my team, and after today's conversation with Becci, I feel like I am making progress. See, she too, is thinking about the same things I am....how and what to pack...our sleeping situation...Euros or Czech Krowns?...
and I immediately felt at ease! She told me that she sees my posts sometimes, and thinks to herself "okay, WE can be friends". YAY GOD!
On a sidenote: I recently read a book called Kabul Beauty School, written by Deborah Rodriguez. In the book, Deborah is volunteering to go on a missions trip to Afghanistan after 9/11. She goes on the trip with doctors, nurses and therapists, and wondered what would be her role, being a lowly hairdresser. Her heart was in for the work, though she had no idea what her job would entail. When she was introduced to a large group that she would help serve with, she was introduced, and was found to be a hairdresser. Hands shot up; so many people wanted haircuts, hair color and styles that she found herself busy for days on end. She decided to stay in Afghanistan permanently, and began teaching Afghan women hairstyling, eventually opening a beauty school, and helping women start their own businesses. Of course, this story helped me, since I kind of feel like I have no place on my team. But who knows what God has planned for me (Jeremiah 29:11); I just need to allow Him to do His work on me, and follow Him in life and service. Great book!
So we meet again on Wednesday...I'll be updating soon.
Thanks for reading my blog! Should you so feel inclined to comment, please do so below! If you are interested in supporting our trip, click on one of the links at the top of the page (on the left) to help! Anything you can do is greatly appreciated.
See you soon!
Thank you God, for hearing my prayers. Thank you for knowing the desires of my heart, and fulfilling them so that I can serve you with the confidence that a disciple of Christ needs. You are merciful and wise, and have the master plan for how this entire trip is gonna go, and I am honored that you chose me to be on Team Red. Thank you for my team,and watch over us as we begin team building; help us to be transparent and flexible with one another. Thank you for Becci...though she be only one person, I appreciate you giving me someone to relate to, bounce ideas off of, and hold me accountable, and vice versa. I pray that we grow not only as teammates, but as friends as well. Lord, I ask that you help us in fundraising, so that no one is left behind due to lack of funding...but thank you for everyone who is supporting us, not only financially, but through prayer as well. Team Red was put together by you, and we are traveling and serving WITH Jesus, and for that I cannot be more grateful. Thank you for being an amazing God. In Jesus' name...amen.
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