Sunday, February 12, 2012


So today, I got up early, and decided not to waste any time.  I was awake already, and wanted to get myself to church.  I prepared myself, got dressed, and figured I'd let the kids sleep in, since the youth services aren't held until later in the afternoon.  I prayed to God, thanking Him for waking me again, into another day of grace and mercy, and thanking Him for awaking me early enough to make it to our 8:08am service.

I left the kids asleep (well, my middle son was up and watching cartoons already...), and drove to church.  As usual, I sang my heart out (I often give 'concerts in the car' as I drive), but this morning, I felt a cry coming on.  I was happy to be alone in the car, as my crying sometimes worries my kids.

The message Pastor Ben gave today was exactly what I needed to hear.  It was about Loving People.  We are in a new sermon series, entitles The Mountain (my church) Walk.  We have a new mission, which is simple"Love God.  Love People. Serve the World.", and this was the beginning of the Love People portion.

It really hit me when Ben said "We don't have time to live in quiet desperation.  We don't have to be isolated.  Sometimes the worst loneliness happens in a crowd."

WOW...(I'm having a moment here...)

I have come to realize that I am more than hungry for healthy relationships!  The last few great relationships that I have had with people have crumbled, and I've allowed them to do so.  I have things that have happened in my past that have taught me to just allow myself to quietly 'walk away' from these relationships, instead of facing reality, and owning up to my mistakes.  Typical conflict avoider; that's me.  Instead, I need to take a lesson from Matthew 22:37-40, and love people as I love God, in similar ways.  He loves me, no matter what I've done, do, or have yet to do.  Now, because of that, I need to go out and love people in the same way...and (the hard part for me) allow them to love me in the same way.

Love God.  Love People.  If one part of that is missing, then everything is wrong.

When thinking about how I can apply this to my mission trip, I think of my team, the Mudrik's and the people of Prague.  With my team, I need to allow them into my life, and go real enough to show them who I really am.  I need to care for them enough to "Carry (their) burdens, and in this way (I) will fulfill the law of Christ" (Galatians 6:2).  We are a small team, but need to be a tight team, so that we can go and serve fully, together.  They need to know my weaknesses, and I theirs.  We need to know how each of us deals with conflict, so that they may be solved, and we can go on about our purpose, which is serving while on the trip.  As for the Mudrik family, their neighbors, and the people of Prague, we need to be hospitable.  Not only as guests, but as preparers of the feast at God's table.  We are there to invite them to share in meals with Christ, to get to know Him and love Him, so that they will one day serve Him as we are.  After all, 'the healthy people don't need a doctor; the sick people do' (Matt.9:11-12).  We are to be gracious guests, not becoming a burden on our host family, but there as friends to serve all of their needs fully.  When I think of this, I think about how, when we leave, I don't want the family to have been exhausted.  Instead, it is my prayer that they will have rested; that they have wonderful memories of our visit, and that they thank God for us being there, to provide whatever help and relief they have needed.

I am looking forward to building my relationships, with my team, and within my circles here in life.  This is something I will continuously be working towards, and would love it if YOU, dear reader, would help to hold me accountable.  Feel free to offer advice by commenting below...I am willing to consider anything you have to offer.


  1. I admire your strength and courage Twin. You have no idea. I Love You! ♥

    1. Thanks Q. I'm discovering that life is alot more fulfilling when we make the decision to step out, and do the things are we initially afraid of. Thanks again...

  2. Wonderful! My how you have grown over the years. I am so proud of you!

    1. THANKS! That means a lot, coming from 'the other adult' from my college years. Growth takes effort...I guess I just wasn't so willing to make the effort before. Thanks for the support!

  3. Thanks Scandy, just trying to continuously grow and make progress. Sometimes, I really suck at being a good person, but I know that there is ALWAYS room for improvement.
